♡ Georgia Chapter Angel Alliance ♡

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Self-Love + Self-Respect + Self-Responsibility = Self-Happiness

The Angel Alliance is a program designed & specifically curated to help eliminate and/or decrease the rise in violence and destructive behavior in youth girls across the State of Georgia. This program focuses on instilling in young girls the foundations of self-love, respect and responsibility to help each of our angels gain the confidence and support needed to overcome their unique contemporary adolescent challenges. Our program curriculum incorporates effective communication, teaches interpersonal skills and leadership techniques needed for a young women to reach her full potential. 

By making the decision to join the Angel Alliance Program, our angels are making the decision to dedicate themselves to a ten month multi-modular program that consists of various curriculum elements requiring providing essential life skills to propel our young girls on their journey to womanhood! 

It starts with the Angel Pledge. 

♡ Take The Angel Pledge ♡

By taking the pledge our angels are making a commitment to love themselves for their uniqueness and to strengthen their relationship with yourself. We are here to encourage our girls to love themselves for ALL of who they are by teaching the life skills necessary to promote a healthier relationship with themselves and others. 

♡ Angel Pledge ♡

Perfect I am not, 

But as my wings begin to spread, 

I will learn to love myself fully, 

Respect myself at all times, 

Take responsibility for my actions, 

As I soar through my journey to womanhood!

♡ Mentorship Program ♡

A ten-step mentoring journey facilitated through educational workshops and self-guided practice that guides youth to self-enhancement and goal accomplishments. This program focuses on instilling of self- love, respect and responsibility and help each participant gain the confidence and support needed to overcome their contemporary adolescent challenges. Our curriculum incorporates effective communication, interpersonal skills and leadership techniques needed to reach her full potential.

Step Two takes places over 10 months which teaches the importance of commitment and consistency 


The mentor program is a full year commitment ❣

the Angels can expect the following:

Monthly Virtual Workshops & Assessments ♡ Monthly Workbook Assignments
 ♡ Badge of Honor Engagement ♡ Community Service Work
 ♡ Angel Kits & Supplies Provided ♡ Quarterly Retreats & Summits ♡ FREE Registration ♡ Pre-access to ALL IAO Programming Events & Services ♡

♡ Monthly Workshops & Assessments ♡

Imperfect Angels Organization (IAO) proudly presents the Angel Alliance, a transformative 10-month program designed to uplift young women on their journey to self-discovery and community engagement. At the heart of this empowering initiative are the monthly virtual workshops, scheduled every last Sunday of the month. These workshops serve as a focal point for our Angels, providing a space for meaningful connection, learning, and personal growth. Each session encompasses a curated blend of community work, workshops tailored for self-discovery, and thought-provoking exercises distributed in advance. Through these monthly gatherings, we strive to create a supportive environment that nurtures the development of confident, resilient, and empowered young women ready to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

The Angel Alliance participants are encouraged to complete their Angel Assessment before attending the workshop, ensuring that the sessions are not only informative but also interactive and introspective. 

♡ Community Programming ♡

In the heartwarming embrace of the Angel Alliance Program, our Angels are entrusted with a special role ♡

to lead and to organize a community initiative. This is a delightful opportunity for these young angels to plan and coordinate projects that contribute positively to their community. More than just a task, its a chance for our young girls to showcase their caring nature and imaginative spirit. 

As they engage in these initiatives, not on do the Angels bring positive change to their community, but they also gain valuable experiences that nurture compassion and confidence. We believe in the incredible impact that a collective effort can have and our Angels, play a vital role in making this positive difference. 

So get ready to watch the sparkle of their kindness and the joy they bring as they embark on this meaningful component that makes up the Angel Alliance program! 

♡ Voices: A Moment of Connection
Across Generational Women ♡

Voices is designed to survey and hear the voices of the community about needs and barriers, and the results needed to create better home environments and support systems for the youth. During this program the participants will engage in meaningful conversations around the unheard cries for help that youth girls deal with in today’s society. We will have speaking, lessons and activities that will educate, unite and empower our youth and community. 

Voices is an empowering initiative within Imperfect Angels, strategically designed to facilitate meaningful connections across generations of women. This program seeks to address and overcome generational gaps, creating a unique space for women to share their experiences, provide guidance, and engage in stimulating conversations. At its core, Voices is a haven where women of all ages can come together to be heard, fostering a community that values the wisdom and insights passed down from those who have walked the path before them.

♡ Support Our Sisters Training ♡


For local youth and young-adults that are facing hardships or challenges that are causing mental health declines, social disadvantages, destructive habits, or detrimental outcomes. These programs consist of educational conferences, seminars, and community service projects that the youth participate in throughout the year to help them build a better understanding and awareness of self, the environment around them and the limitless opportunities that are available to help them reach their full potential.

In recognizing the pressing challenges faced by local youth and young adults, Imperfect Angels places a significant emphasis on giving back as a powerful means of support. For women in our community grappling with mental health declines, social disadvantages, destructive habits, or facing detrimental outcomes, our programs serve as a beacon of hope to provide them with the essentials they need. By instilling a sense of purpose and community service, we aim to empower these young women to rise above adversity and embrace the limitless possibilities that await them on their journey to self-discovery and success.

♡ Your Support Makes This Program Possible ♡

Imperfect Angels Organization extends heartfelt gratitude to the diverse network of supporters who make our mission possible. We are profoundly thankful for the unwavering commitment of local business sponsors, whose generous sponsorships fuel our youth girl programs and events. The monthly contributions from the dedicated Angel League Pledgers play a crucial role in fostering positive change. Additionally, the tireless efforts of volunteers, investing their time and energy, contribute immeasurably to our cause. 

The significant backing from grant supporters, providing essential resources and opportunities, stands as the cornerstone of our sustainability. Each of you, whether a sponsor, pledger, volunteer, or grant supporter, plays an indispensable role in shaping transformative experiences for the IAO angels. Together, your collective contributions create a powerful force, driving our mission forward and making a lasting impact on the journey of self-love and discovery for the IAO angels.

Thank you for being the pillars of support that empower and uplift the next generation of confident and empowered young women.

♡ Thank You To Our
2024 Grant Supporters ♡
Georgia 2024 Grant Supporters

Imperfect Angels Organization relies on grant supporters as crucial allies, providing essential financial assistance that empowers us to implement transformative youth girl programs focused on self-love and discovery. Their support is instrumental in advancing our mission to nurture and inspire positive growth among young girls in their journey of self-discovery and self-love. Grant supports act as catalysts for meaningful change in the lives of young girls, providing essential resources and opportunities that empower them to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.

♡ Thank You To Our
2024 Sponsors-NAMC ♡
2024 Georgia Sponsors

Imperfect Angels Organization is grateful for the vital support of local business sponsors who generously provide sponsorship for our youth girl programs, events, and projects focused on self-love and discovery. These sponsors play a crucial role in funding specific initiatives, allowing us to organize impactful events and implement transformative programs that empower young girls in our community. Their generous contributions are instrumental in fostering a sense of positivity and personal growth among the participants.

♡ Thank You To Our
2024 Angel League ♡ 
Join the Georgia Angel League

Become a driving force for positive change by joining the Angel League Pledgers at Imperfect Angels Organization. Your monthly contributions actively play a vital role in fostering self-love and discovery for young women through our dedicated programs, events, and projects. As an Angel League Pledger, you become an integral part of shaping a brighter future, ensuring consistent empowerment, growth, and community for the girls we serve. Your commitment makes a meaningful impact on individual lives, one month at a time.

♡ Thank You To
Our Volunteers ♡
Become a Volunteer

Our organization thrives on the invaluable contributions of dedicated volunteers who selflessly give their time to make a difference in the lives of young women. Through their commitment, our youth girl programs, events, and projects centered around self-love and discovery come to life, leaving a lasting impact on the girls we serve. The passion and energy of our volunteers create a supportive community that fosters empowerment and positive growth, embodying the spirit of change and transformation.

Imperfect Angels Presents...
Like A Lady Tea Party!

an elegant experience of fun in a safe space to learn, bond and grow as a young woman with style, class and respect!

Imperfect Angels